now it takes some background information, one can start here for example, to enjoy what I call "the joe wilson show". needless to say, with all his (diplomatic) experience it is hard to find a speaker more eloquent than joe wilson. willamette students and salem townspeople had the pleasure to be witnesses of what it means to "live" freedom of speech.
"Did the Bush administration manipulate intelligence about Saddam Hussein's weapons programs to justify an invasion of Iraq?
Based on my experience with the administration in the months leading up to the war, I have little choice but to conclude that some of the intelligence related to Iraq's nuclear weapons program was twisted to exaggerate the Iraqi threat."
accusing the us-government of starting war in iraq under false pretenses, wilson´s article "what I didn´t find in africa" (first published by "the new york times" in july 2003) brought him into trouble. his wife´s identity as a cia-agent got revealed in an article by columnist robert novak. since this act of treason, "valerie plame" is a name well known in the united states. anyhow, the traitors have not been called to account for their felony yet. and just click on the novak link to get an idea of the variety of persons involved in this scandal.
for wilson, one thing is clear: the government wanted his wife´s identity to be revealed because of three main reasons: to change the subject towards something more advantageous for the government, pure revenge for not supporting the war in iraq and, most important, to make an example of him. the ordinary us-citizens should know that if they did the same to the government than joe wilson, then the government would do to the citizens what it did to joe wilson and his wife.
so wilson sees it as his mission to speak up against such injustice. "you must hold our government to account". the united states depends on the vigilance of the citizens for its success. in his eyes, the bush administration lied and twisted intelligence to get support for a war that should not have been fought under these circumstances.
it´s his word against the governments. and, as always, one has to be very cautious to take every word that´s said for granted. but joe wilson shows that public dispute is far from being dead in the states. and climbing onto a podium and expressing ones believes is by itself an act essential to every vital democracy.
(the picture shows joe wilson and is taken from "willamette week online")
oh, before I forget: today (friday) "maria full of grace" is shown in smith at 8pm. great movie, so watch it!
good post! i think, too, that the idea of the vigilant citizren is sorely needed in the u.s.
i think also that if americans were more willing to take risks in free speech and actually take a stand on an issue, any issue, the democracy would be a lot healthier...and don't forget our low voter turn-out which needs a swift kick in the pants!
i guess we're all too busy sitting on our couches getting fat in front of the tv to care about the state of our country. that's where joe comes in with his great lecture. but, it's almost in vain because the people who go see him are not the couch potatoes of which i spoke!
it's a vicious cycle, i think.
ja der alte hat schon recht- wir als studentenInnen sind eigentliche ziemlich unpolitische und lasche Eier.
Wir haben Studiengebühren, eine völlig vertrottelte Bildungsministerin, eine skandalöse Minderheitenpolitik in Kärnten und eine Italo- Rocky, der maßgeblich die EU Politik beeinflusst, der sagt, dass alle die Links wählen Arschlöcher seien.
Und was machen wir? Treffen uns auf einen informellen Kaffee, plaudern und tratschen und genießen die frische gediegene Brise auf der "Insel der Seeligen" und machens wie Max Horkheimer: Viel Theorie und keine Praxis.
Gratuliere! Wir dürfen uns nicht wundern.....
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