no matter who the new austrian chancellor will be, I recommend him to read charles murray´s "in our hands". the book is a plan to replace the welfare state. sounds utopian? well, sooner or later we will have to face the problems created by our welfare system anyway.
charles murray´s short statement of the argument goes like this: "America´s population is wealthier than any in history. Every year, the American government redistributes more than a trillion dollars of that wealth to provide retirement, health care, and the alleviation of poverty. We still have millions of people without comfortable retirements, without adequate health care, and living in poverty. Only a government can spend so much money so ineffectually. The solution is to give the money to the people."
murray slates to give every american age 21 and older $10 000 a year for life. no other welfare measures would be available. the "plan", as he calls it, would be the end for social security, medicare and all other "income transfer programs". the result should be a prosperous society with poverty and unemployment reduced to the minimum.
I am not going to judge on the strengths and weaknesses of his proposal here - murray himself is aware that his plan is far from becoming implemented policy. but on the same token it is another good reminder of why it is important to keep our government from throwing money down the drain.
charles murray: "in our hands - a plan to replace the welfare state". AEI press. american enterprise institute for public policy research. washington, d.c. 2006.
hm - ist es echt eine gute idee, JEDEM diese 10.000 $ zu geben, unabhängig davon, ob er/sie milliardär ist oder am hungertuch nagt?
also ich finde eine gerechte verteilung - mit all ihren problemen - ist die bessere variante...
Ab einem gewissen Einkommen muss man Steuern für den Scheck bezahlen:
"Earned income has no effect on the grant until that income reaches
$25,000. From $ 25,000 to $50,000, a surtax is levied that reimburses the grant up to a maximum $5,000 (e.g. the tax at $30,000 is 20 percent of
$30,000-$25,000, or $1,000)."
sind die 10 000$ mit einer auflage verbunden, oder kann man damit machen was man will. ansonsten, bin auch der meinung, dass eine gerechte verteilung, wo es natürlich auch wiederum probleme gibt, eine nicht allzu schlechte variante ist.
grundeinkommen, bin ja schon gespannt, ob sich die spö mit ihrer forderung durchsetzen kann. wobei ich bei einem grundeinkommen für jeden auch so meine probleme sehe, aber mal schauen.... kenn ja noch nicht all die spö-forderungen. also, werd mich mal informieren....
Thanks for reminding me about htis Rudy. Remeber when we talked about this in the library?
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