I asked my swedish friends about their thoughts on the recent elections in their homecountry.
mans ramberg from vaxjo has something to say:
"I voted for the center party for a number of reasons. A) They are proposing big changes in the current system of labor laws for the young, which will hopefully make for a more flexible labor market for people my age. B) They have the most consistent EU-policy in my eyes, with exciting ideas about federalism and restructuring of that old dragon. This is true about their ideas for the swedish system as well. Under the new government we can hopefully see the abolishment of such silly ideas as the pharmacy monopoly and other remnants of the social democratic centralistic state. C)They are the most honest of the right wing parties of today. They are consistent in most of their questions and do not follow populist tracks as so many of their co-operators as well as opponents.
There are more reasons, but I would say those are my top ones. When it comes to the election in general, I must say that I am very torn personally. My friend Henrik who is an electrician commented on the election night: "It's a dark day for the swedish workers". To hear that and then see brat-kids from the rights youth movements dance on the street leaves me wondering where I really stand. I do hope and wish that the policies that I vote for will be for the benefit of the weaker in society, but I wonder if my elected politicans think the same. I am feeling the class dimension more than ever.
One thing that worries me a lot is the relative good result for the xenophobic party Sverigedemokraterna in different parts of Sweden. I was hoping that they would never grow above 1 percent, and the current situation tells a lot about the undercurrents and tensions thet has been hidden for a number of yaers but now seem ready to show their ugly face."
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
home sweet dome
from the website of the new orleans saints:
"The Saints put the icing on the cake Monday night, and it sure was sweet. In the days leading up to their emotional return to the Louisiana Superdome, veteran wide receiver Joe Horn said that the game would be a win for the city and people of New Orleans whether or not the Saints came out on top against the Atlanta Falcons but they wanted to put the icing on the cake by beating their NFC South rivals and running their record to 3-0."
word up, go saints!
"The Saints put the icing on the cake Monday night, and it sure was sweet. In the days leading up to their emotional return to the Louisiana Superdome, veteran wide receiver Joe Horn said that the game would be a win for the city and people of New Orleans whether or not the Saints came out on top against the Atlanta Falcons but they wanted to put the icing on the cake by beating their NFC South rivals and running their record to 3-0."
word up, go saints!
Sunday, September 24, 2006
the road race
last day of the uci road worldchampionships 2006 in salzburg. the road race takes place, more impressions after the jump.
Thursday, September 21, 2006
uci road worldchampionships in salzburg
road cycling is big in my hometown these days, here are some random impressions from today´s single time trial. 51 kilometers through salzburg and its outskirts.
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
what do swedes think?
I asked my swedish friends about their thoughts on the recent elections in their homecountry.
sara ardic from norrköping is the one to start:
"I think a lot of people voted for the right simply cause they want a change for the country, not necessarily cause they're so unhappy with the state of the country. We've had the same part governing the counntry for a long time. Alo, the right have tried to change their image into the new working class party.... we'll see about that.
I voted for the socialdemocrats simply cause I feel they're more in the line with my values - that everyone should be taken care of. I'm both curious about what will happen with the new government, have to admit it is a bit exciting , but I have to say I´m a bit nervous too."
sara ardic from norrköping is the one to start:
"I think a lot of people voted for the right simply cause they want a change for the country, not necessarily cause they're so unhappy with the state of the country. We've had the same part governing the counntry for a long time. Alo, the right have tried to change their image into the new working class party.... we'll see about that.
I voted for the socialdemocrats simply cause I feel they're more in the line with my values - that everyone should be taken care of. I'm both curious about what will happen with the new government, have to admit it is a bit exciting , but I have to say I´m a bit nervous too."
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
it changes...
I love to read johan norberg´s blog, you know that already. and I love his analysis about swedish politics. so, of course, he is happy about the outcome of the elections - on monday he writes:
"At last Göran Persson has resigned. And the mood on Stockholm´s streets (where the social democrats have collapsed) is a little more open and free. When I took the bus earlier today the bus driver didn´t charge me and just waived me through with a big smile."
unfortunately, bus drivers are not celebrating by giving passengers a lift for free:
"Woops. I thought that the bus driver waived me through because he was happy with the election result. Imagine my double disappointment when I realised that this was because of a bus robbery on Sunday that made bus drivers afraid of handling cash..."
well. easy coming, easy going.
"At last Göran Persson has resigned. And the mood on Stockholm´s streets (where the social democrats have collapsed) is a little more open and free. When I took the bus earlier today the bus driver didn´t charge me and just waived me through with a big smile."
unfortunately, bus drivers are not celebrating by giving passengers a lift for free:
"Woops. I thought that the bus driver waived me through because he was happy with the election result. Imagine my double disappointment when I realised that this was because of a bus robbery on Sunday that made bus drivers afraid of handling cash..."
well. easy coming, easy going.
heute bin ich in mich gegangen und habe versucht, die fragen der wahlkabine wahrheitsgetreu zu beantworten - dabei habe ich auch großen wert auf die gewichtung der fragen gelegt. das ist das ergebnis:
ginge man nach diesen ergebnis, würde es für mich wohl sinn machen "taktisch" zu wählen, um schwarz-grün eher zu ermöglichen. mangels einer liberalen alternative ist das wohl das kleinste übel.
ginge man nach diesen ergebnis, würde es für mich wohl sinn machen "taktisch" zu wählen, um schwarz-grün eher zu ermöglichen. mangels einer liberalen alternative ist das wohl das kleinste übel.
Sunday, September 17, 2006
chuck close
and for no special reason: self portrait of chuck close, as seen in laure´s room in paris. for all you art freaks out there nothing new, but I was stunned by the fact that it´s a painting and not a photograph.
us update for september
here´s the list of universities I am going to apply to for grad school:
university of alska fairbanks (first choice)
western washington university
portland state university
university of alska fairbanks (first choice)
western washington university
portland state university
Thursday, September 14, 2006
schweden wählt am sonntag
am sonntag wird in schweden ein neuer reichstag gewählt. für einige zeit sah es ja so aus, als hätte die sozialdemokratische regierung schlechte chancen, wiedergewählt zu werden. von den letzten 70 jahren waren die sozialdemokraten gute 65 an der macht. nun zeichnete sich wie gesagt bereits ein wechsel ab, ehe sich die liberal-konservative "folkpartiet" mit einem spitzelskandal selbst wieder in den hintergrund gedrängt hat. computer der regierung wurden durchsucht um so "informationsvorsprung" für eigene kampagnen zu erlangen.
viele schweden sind aber nach wie vor der meinung, dass ihr modell des wohlfahrtstaats die anforderungen der nächsten jahrzehnte nicht mehr bewältigen kann. somit kann diese wahl richtungsweisend sein - und die liberale alternative möglicherweise doch noch zu ihrem erfolg kommen.
viele schweden sind aber nach wie vor der meinung, dass ihr modell des wohlfahrtstaats die anforderungen der nächsten jahrzehnte nicht mehr bewältigen kann. somit kann diese wahl richtungsweisend sein - und die liberale alternative möglicherweise doch noch zu ihrem erfolg kommen.
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
was ist hängengeblieben aus der konfrontation zwischen peter westenthaler (bzö) und martin bartenstein (övp) gestern abend im orf?
das ist zwar nicht viel, aber auch nicht nichts, wie ich finde...
das ist zwar nicht viel, aber auch nicht nichts, wie ich finde...
Monday, September 04, 2006
die politische meldung des tages aus "liberaler" sicht ist das wahlbündnis zwischen der spö und dem liberalen forum. ich bin für jeden kommentar dankbar, der mir glaubwürdig einige vorteile einer solchen zusammenarbeit (für die liberale bewegung in österreich, wohlgemerkt) aufzeigt. ich sehen keinen - und auch der chef des lif, alexander zach, war im zib2 interview nicht gerade die überzeugungskraft in person. die liberalen haben mit der övp (wirtschaftsliberalismus) mindestens so viel oder so wenig gemeinsam wie mit der spö (kultureller liberalismus), daher scheint mir diese entscheidung äußerst willkürlich. ob hier die klassische liberale idee nicht zu einem äußerst billigen preis verkauft wurde, werden wohl bereits die ersten wochen nach der wahl zeigen. im ersten moment mag es ja opportun erscheinen, für ein paar wochen ins rampenlicht zu rücken, nach dem motto: weniger als keine wähler gibt es ja nicht, also kann man schon mal was riskieren. für einen längerfristigen aufbau einer wirklich liberalen partei sind solche aktionen jedoch ein bärendienst.
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